Monday, 28 November 2011

Tips for Creating Highly Engaging iPhone Apps Development And iPhone Game Development

There is no way in the world that iPhone apps development can succeed if they are not engaging enough. The 'engagement value' of a particular app is determined by the process of iphone app design and iphone application development as well as iPhone game development. If it is not a product of clear thinking, it will end up a failure and results in an iPhone app that won't be engaging enough.

Here are a few tips that can help create iPhone apps that are not only engaging, but also very effective.

1. Design to capture attention:

All mobile apps, whether they are for the iPhone, BlackBerry or any other device are never used in a picture perfect environment. There are always distractions that fight for the attention of the mobile users. So, the interactive nature of the app must be designed accordingly. You can't design the app by keeping a certain location, situation, or environment in mind. It needs to be designed by keeping the distractions in mind. Its visuals must be such that they immediately grab the attention of target users. The funny thing is that in most cases, mobile apps are used to provide a distraction. So, your design must be able to "distract" a user for a sufficient period of time.

2. Design Mental Consistency:

The iPhone has a smaller screen size. So, you can't expect mobile app users to be able to view and use a particular mobile app, the way they use an app on a desktop or a laptop. The smaller screen size demands a certain consistency in the app infrastructure, especially, when it comes to its animation, game play and a coherent topology in general. This helps you offer users a consistent mental model, which is both effective, easy to understand and one whose use can be optimized.

3. Design for your Target:

Do you know who your people are, meaning do you know your target audience? This means that you need to do a whole lot more than just identify a target audience. You need to know what your target audience wants. This is not as easy as you think. But, if you are able to clearly identify their needs and demands and the levels of engagement that they require from their iPhone apps, you will be able to give them an enriching app with very high levels of user engagement. Your app needs to be able to integrate certain features that hold your audience captive. This isn't possible if you don't know who your people are.

4. Your app must get stuff done:

Whether iPhone apps or BlackBerry apps or some other apps, they must be able get work done. They must be able to achieve their pre-determined purpose and ensure that they meet all client requirements to the letter. When it comes to mobile apps, what people are keen on, more than anything else, is to get their work done quickly and in a manner that is fun and engaging. For this to happen, your app should be so easy to use that users are able to operate it without any instructions at all. This also improves the engagement quotient of the app.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

The New Demand in the iPhone Application Development And iPhone Game Development Job Market

I keep a close eye on the online IT job boards as they give a good indication to the skill-sets in demand, what current rates of pay are, and what technologies companies are implementing.

Over recent months it has become increasingly obvious that more and more job adverts are for people with skills in iphone application development and iphone game development. This being either technical roles such as mobile developers, designers or testers, or management roles to co-ordinate the development projects. If you look at some of the words and phrases used in these job adverts for the technologies used, you will find they are words that never really existed only a few years ago and there's a whole new type of job advert evolving.

This resource requirement trend is clearly going to increase and with the current squeeze on IT budgets it looks like many projects are being dropped by companies in favour of mobile developments as they see that having a mobile application is something critical to their business rather than a nice to have.

For the workforce, there is a bit of head scratching to do. If you want to future proof your skill-set then now is the time to start getting involved in iphone applications, look out for some iphone application jobs, and get a foot in the door. Else, there is a risk that you could get left behind and find yourself less valuable. Hire iPhone App developer

Friday, 25 November 2011

Using iPhone Application Development Companies To Tap Into The Social Networking Opportunities

One of the most significant advancements that has been seen with recent technological influence can be found with an individual's new reliance upon the opportunities created through social networking. Almost every individual who utilizes the online environment has a connection to some format of social networking, which allows them to communicate with individuals across the globe and research topics that are specifically relevant to them. The incredible opportunities that have been generated through the social networking environment have begun to inspire businesses to pursue the same opportunities with the utilization of iPhone application development.

Application generation provides a unique opportunity where a business can gain instant access to an individual's mobile device, through the simple installation of an icon. Individuals often utilize these applications to be placed on their phone, when the business piques their interest or a feature of these devices appeals to them. By utilizing the opportunities that exist with top mobile app development companies, a business will be able to identify the best applications for them to generate, in order to spark consumer interest and increase the possibilities of making sales.

This is easily achieved when a company can link their various online resources and mobile applications to the environment that is found with social networking. With so many potential clients being found in these social environments, it makes it pertinent that a company also pursue their own form of business application, when trying to impact the social network. Through the utilization of mobile app development, you will be able to link social networks through mobile devices, in order to identify all the potential consumers interested in your services and gain instant access to their mobile devices.

For a business, the significant benefits that are offered with the utilization of top iPhone game development companies can be found with spreading brand recognition and developing convenience for their consumer base. Brand recognition is vital for any company looking to make sales in a highly competitive environment. Most consumers, who are aware of your brand, will choose your products over an unknown brand, regardless of the price. By utilizing mobile applications, your icon will serve as a constant reminder of your brand, so that these high levels brand recognition can be achieved.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Successful iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development Is a Result of Exhaustive Project Briefing

The next time somebody tells you that a particular iPhone app developer hasn't helped them come up with a successful app, ask them whether they had comprehensively briefed the developer regarding their project. Many a times, people think that an expert developer needs to automatically get the idea of their concept just because they claim to be proficient in iPhone application development and iPhone game development, iPad app or any other kind of mobile app.

What they don't realize is that irrespective of the experience and expertise of the mobile app developer, the key to successful development of mobile application is whether they have completely understood your needs and requirements. If they haven't, it results in all sorts of problems.

Firstly, an exhaustive project briefing results in the developers understanding the scope and the scale of the project. They are able to get an idea of the projects challenges and more importantly whether they have knowledge about all the technical aspects that will go into the making of the particular mobile app.

Secondly, when you as the client have an in-depth idea of the client, it helps you communicate with the developer with clarity. This in turn helps your developer understand the concept and make an effort to clear any doubts that he/she may have regarding the same, at the time of project briefing only.

Thirdly and this is the most important reason why exhaustive project briefing is such an important part of mobile app development - it helps the developer plan project development effectively and in a manner that promotes efficiency. It also helps allocate the right amount of resources to the project and ensures that the developer is able to conduct a thorough risk assessment of the project and also ensure that it is not affected by problems during the actual development stage.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

3 Basics of iPhone Application & Game Development That You Absolutely Need to Get Right

There is no doubt that iPhone application development and iPhone game development are complex process and needs all the expertise and experience at the disposal of developers and design to ensure success. But, there are also some basic aspects of the whole process that both the client and the development team need to get right. If they get these basics wrong, there is very little doubt that the project will be a failure.

1. The Client Should Know What He Wants

For clients, it's of paramount importance that they don't approach a development company before they know in detail what they want from the project. They need to know why they want it, what they want the mobile app to achieve and how do they want it to be designed and more importantly clients must also know how to get the best returns on investment from the whole process of development of the app whether its android application development or iOS app development or app development on some other platform.

2. Developers Need to Understand what the Client Wants

When the client shares the project brief with the developers, it's the developers' responsibility to understand what the client wants in great detail. Inability to understand the needs and requirements of the client will lead to a mismatch in the expectations of the clients and the deliverables defined by the development team regarding the mobile app. This is why the team that is going to design and develop the mobile app needs to be on the same page as the client. This is to ensure that they are able to fulfill all the needs and requirements that the client has from the app project.

3. Developers Need to Assign, Control and Manage Project Development Effectively

Just having development experience and expertise is not enough. It's important that all project requirements are assigned to the right people. Another important aspect of successful project development is that the whole process is controlled in the proper manner ensuring that the people assigned various responsibilities are achieving the right results and that too in line with the deadline assigned to them. It's also important that the project be managed in an efficient manner as any mismanagement leads to problems that in turn lead to various delays; something that neither the clients nor the iphone developers want.